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Stay up-to-date with our body shop blog. Walker Smith provides auto body work, repairs, and painting. Call us today – (770) 972-2975.
Signs of Car Frame Damage
If you recently had body work completed on your car, you may think that everything is ok and back to normal. However, you could have more serious problems lurking beneath the surface. Hidden frame damage could lead to significant problems with your car in the future....
Wash and Wax a Car – Protect Your Investment
Keep Your Vehicle Looking New Regular car maintenance and oil changes are standard tasks for any car owner. But for some, the idea of washing and waxing a vehicle seems like a luxury or something reserved for new car owners. Take it from Walker Smith Body Shop - it is...
Texting and Accidents 2019
Are We Learning Anything? Texting and accidents continue to be a growing problem. However, there may be some good news. Just recently, CNN reported that car crash ER visits fell in states that have banned texting while driving. That's certainly good news! ...
Halloween Driving – Safety Tips from Walker Smith
Halloween is just a few days away! Whatever your plans and activities are for the holiday evening, it is essential to be extra careful when driving. Parents and children will be walking through neighborhoods going door-to-door while trick-or-treating. Follow these...
Windshield Repair or Replacement? How to Decide
That unexpected "whack" on the front windshield while driving down the highway usually means you've just won the lottery for a cracked windshield. Too bad it's not accompanied by the winning payment of the Georgia Lottery. What's most troublesome, though, is that...
The Best Customer Service Starts with Communication
The ability to effectively communicate with the personnel at an auto body shop is crucial to the level of services you receive and pay for. At Walker Smith Body Shop, customer service is our goal. We want our Snellville customers to be informed and understand our...
Practice Safe Holiday Driving
Have a Safe Holiday Season Drive Safely During the Holidays The Christmas and holiday season is here. Unfortunately, it's no surprise that December, and especially late December, is one of the busiest times of the year on America's roads and highways. The...
Remember, you do have a choice who repairs your automobile! Call Walker Smith Body Shop today. We’re the auto body shop Snellville calls first.
Call Today! 770-972-7975