It’s that time of year again when we load up the car and set out on our Thanksgiving journeys. Here are 3 simple tips for making it a joyful and safe Thanksgiving.
Tip#1 Pay Attention
With so much to distract us, kids in the backseat, cellphones, your needy Aunt Sophie who needs to talk, that delicious cup of pumpkin spice latte.
Whatever your distractions are be aware of them. Take a few minutes before you start driving to tell others in the car to keep it down or tell Aunt Sophie your going to need to focus on driving not chatting.
Also if your cell pone has an ear piece or a hands free device set it up before you drive. The key is to eliminate as may distractions as possible. It only takes one distraction to cause a wreck. Make a conscious decision to stay focused as you drive.
Tip#2 Slow Down
Thanksgiving is one of the busiest and most dangerous travel times of the year. Take your time getting to your location. Better for you to be late than injured. Usually roads are much more congested, have you ever left tried going South on 1-75 the Wednesday before Thanksgiving? By the time you get to Macon you feel like you should be in Valdosta! Relax, just go with the flow and enjoy that pumpkin spice latte!
Tip#3 Drive Defensively
Don’t assume that anyone is paying attention. Not everyone will read this article and follow tip#1. Stay out of peoples blind spots, if your going to pass someone then pass them, don’t just cruise in their blind spot.
Drive as if no one else knows how. Who knows they may have an Aunt Sophie too and she is talking their ear off about AARP benefits.
So there you have it, we hope these 3 simple tips will keep you safe as you travel. At Walker Smith Body Shop we wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving.