If you’ve never been in an accident, you have no idea what to expect or what is expected of you. Once you report the accident to your insurance company, you’re going to need an estimate.
This is where it gets a little tricky.
Insurance companies are in business to save money; body shops are in business to repair your vehicle correctly. Because of this, insurance companies have deals with many body shops where they receive discounted rates to repair your vehicle, making you believe in the process you should take your vehicle to one of their locations to be repaired because it’s cheaper.
Here’s the most important thing to remember: You are, by Georgia law, allowed to have your vehicle repaired wherever you want. Just because your insurance company has a “preferred shop,” it doesn’t mean you are in any way obligated to have your vehicle repaired there.
The warranty on your repairs at these shops may not be as long as the warranty Walker Smith will give you, which is a lifetime guarantee.
Make the choice for yourself and call Walker Smith Body Shop today to schedule your free estimate.
(photo courtesy of Jeff Rasansky by Flickr)